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The Plattsmouth Department of EMS provides primary advanced life support to the City of Plattsmouth, Buccaneer Bay, Copper Dollar Cove and the Village of Cedar Creek, as well as mutual aid to rural areas of Cass County. The Department of EMS maintains and equips four Advanced Life Support ambulances located at the Fire/EMS Station. Our ambulances are staffed by Nebraska State certified Paramedics and Emergency Medical Technicians

Our EMS personnel are more than “just ambulance driver’s.” They are highly trained professionals that can provide a broad range of emergency treatment including: Cardiac life support, advanced pediatric life support, pre-hospital trauma care, neonatal resuscitation, intravenous medications and EKG monitoring and defibrillation.

Before the Ambulance Arrives:

If you or someone you are with becomes ill or injured and is in need of an ambulance, here are a few simple steps to follow.

KEEP CALM - If you get excited, the patient will too. It is also easier to give the right information when you are calm.

CALL 911 – 911 is available in the Cass County area and should be used for all emergencies, Police, Fire, and Emergency Medical Service.


  • Who you are and who the patient is.
  • What you believe is wrong with the patient.
  • Where you are – your address and any other information that will help us find you.
  • Provide a phone number if possible; we may need to call you back.
  • Don’t hang up the phone until the dispatcher tells you to.
  • Turn on the porch light.
  • Return to the patient and listen for the phone.
  • Don’t move the patient unless he or she is in danger of being injured from their surroundings.

Questions to expect when the ambulance arrives:

  • Does the patient have any medical problems such as diabetes, epilepsy, heart problems, lung problems, or any other medical condition?
  • Is the patient taking any medications? It is a good idea to gather these together if possible so EMS personnel can make a list.
  • How was the patient injured or how long ago did they become ill?
  • What was the patient doing just prior to being injured or becoming ill?
  • Who is the patient’s regular doctor?

These questions are important in helping the paramedics provide the most helpful and appropriate care.

Help us find you!

In an emergency situation, response time may be the difference between life and death. Finding an address in the city and the rural areas is always a constant challenge for emergency responders. Help us find you by providing address numbers to your home that can be seen from the street, if you live in the rural areas your name and 911 address on your mailbox or at the end of your drive way can be a true lifesaver. Make sure children in your home know their address and directions to the home. Place your address by the phone for a visiting guest that may need to call 911.

Thank You to Recent Donors

Charles and Ella Mary Kerns
Margaret Rossow
Pam Hart, Happy Hearts Daycare
Barbara Miller